Main works performed by Cambareri S.p.A.

River crossing of Tacina, Botricello (CZ)

Building of the new gas sorting hub in the SNAM power station in Malizzano (BN)

Building of the gas pipelines in Vallefiorita (CZ)

Building of the gas pipelines in Paola and San Lucido (CS)

Building of the gas pipelines in Palermo

Works on the gas pipelines in the area between Palmi and Rosarno (DN 1200 Lungh. 15.300 m c.a.)

Building the pressure reducing system IPRS in Pontecagnano

Building the gas pipeline variations in Afragola

Drilling on Budello river

Works for the replacement of components with ultrasound measurement devices on GAME “A” and “B” and tie-in on GAME “C” for the power station in Gallese; arrangement for a future connection between gas pipelines GAME “B” and “C” PIDI N. 8 A/B in Orvieto

Building of the gas pipelines in Morano
• Mantaining and checking gas pipelines in HUB SUD EST for Eni S.p.A.
• Mantaining and checking gas pipelines for Eni S.p.A.
• Building natural gas pipelines in Pizzoni (lot A), Soriano Calabro (lot B) and Gerocarne (lot C), with consortium CO.MET.A.M. for Bonatti S.p.A.
• Building the infrastructures (excavating, filling, concrete works, enclosing) to place the regulation and measurement cabin for the gas distribution system in Pizzoni with consortium CO.MET.A.M. for Bonatti S.p.A.
• Works for the creation of the green area and the photovoltaic system Gallo in Poggio Renatico (FE) for Snam Rete Gas
• Replacement of a section in the water pipeline DN 600 for C.A.D.F. SpA
• Building a polycarbonate panels wall in Pantanelli industrial location (Siracusa) for Trenitalia S.p.A.
• Mantaining the water and civil infrastructures for Regione Calabria – Compartimento Centro Sud – and mantaining acqueducts in the area of Crotone for Sorical S.p.A.
• Building gas pipelines in the area between Vigasio and Bussolengo (DN 500 (20”) p = 75 bar L = 14.550 m); building a variation in Povegliano for the gas pipeline in the area Verona – Trento (DN 300 (12”) p = 75 bar L = 1.590 m); works for the building of the Pigging System in Vigasio; works for the building of the Pigging System in Bussolengo for Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.
• Mechanical and construction works, checking service and emergency intervention on gas pipelines system in AREA 5 HUB SUD EST for Eni S.p.A.
• Installation of conducts on the national area for Società Ionica Gas S.p.A.
• Installation of conducts on the national area for Eni S.p.A.
• Building and mantaining gas pipelines in Palmi and Lamezia Terme for Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.
• Building and mantaining gas pipelines in Tarsia for Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.
• Works for the replacement of components with ultrasound measurement devices on GA.ME “A” and “B” and tie-ins on GA.ME “C” for Gallese Central Station and arrangement for future connection between tha gas pipelines GA.ME “B” and “C” PIDI n. 8A/B in Orvieto for Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.
• Urgent works for the defence of gas pipelines Emma – C.le Pineto, during the installation of pipelines in national area for Società Adriatica Idrocarburi S.p.A.
• Replacement of a conduct portion in the gas pipelines between Biccari and Napoli (2° tronco DN 600 – 24”– 64 bar) for Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.
• Building the variation on gas pipelines Mediterraneo Italia (DN 1200 (48”) – 75 bar) and installation of the protection pipe on Metanodotto Potenziamento dall’Algeria (DN 1200 (48”) – 75 bar) in Tarsia (CS), Macchia La Tavola for Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.
• Building the variations for the gas pipelines in Naples (DN 600 (24”) p = 24 bar L = 2.200 m) in Casalnuovo, Volla, Afragola and Colussi (DN 100 (4”) p = 24 bar L = 30 m) for Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.
• Part of the works for excavating the natural tunnel in Barritteri for Consorzio Scilla
• Works for digging, installation of special foundations, arrangement for water conducts and works for green areas in “Vallone Costaviola” for Salerno – Reggio Calabria S.C.p.A.
• Digging and studding for the building of the Salerno entrance in natural tunnel Vardaru North Roadway and Vardaru South Roadway for Salerno – Reggio Calabria S.C.p.A.
• Excavating on natural tunnel in San Giovanni for Consorzio Scilla
• Part of the excavating works for San Giovanni tunnel; equipement rental (loading, carrying and delivering machines to bring construction site waste materials to the landfill) for Consorzio Scilla
• Digging and installating of the pit foundations in the viaduct of Favazzina North Roadway and South Roadway for Salerno – Reggio Calabria S.C.p.A.
• Building of hydraulic defence system and reconfiguration of left bank of the brook Duverso related to the gas pipelines Mediterraneo Italia (DN 1200 48”) for Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.